Questo è il primo post di Yo! Non potevo non iniziare con una delle band più sottovalutate nella scena indietronic italiana. Sto parlando degli In A Sleeping Mood, duo composto da Donato Panaccio e Mauro Polito, entrambi membri degli Everyman, anche essi in free downlaod... Questo album è distribuito legalmente in download gratuito dall'importante etichetta giapponese Friend Of Mine Records
[Teaser of the day] The Maravines - Fields
- Indie folk
- Sadcore
- Folk indie
*Artist*: The Maravines
*Release*: Giving a Second Chance Webathon
Éditorial de de mars 2025
== Nouvelles publications sur pour février 2025 == * bigalbert
– Big AlbertCC by sa 3.0Dans cet album, une seule musique à la sonorité des
Dardi : Addict EP [DigitalDiamonds101]
“Get ready to embark on a musical journey like no other! Dardi, the
trailblazing electronic artist, is set to release his second EP on Digital
Diamonds tit...
[mi330] : Heitor Alves - Undiagnosed
Já lá vão 20 anos desde que Heitor Alves lançou na MiMi Records sob o
alter-ego de Atom Size Elephant.
Agora ele está de regresso com Undiagnosed,...
Big Blood - Electric Voyeur
Skogsgospels husband knackar på och fyller farstun med en välavvägd dos av
hemelektroniska psalmer.
Electric Voyeur by Big Blood
Gareth Davis & Merzbow - Broken Landscapes
Following on from their 2016 Moving Furniture release, Atsusaku, Broken
Landscapes is a new collaboration between Gareth Davis (Oiseaux Tempete,
A Pair Of Post Cleanup Rants
During the rescue of The CerebralRift from the abyss of bad decisions, bad
code, and neglect, I came across a couple things that irritated the
bejeezus out...
KuNa - Kuna
*KuNa - Kuna *
*label:* AQuietBump Label
*released:* January 14, 2015
*style:* dub reggae electronic
*format:* 320kbps mp3, FLAC, ....
We have been ...
Damn Robot! - "Derp" (Hawk Moon Records 020)
*"Damn Robot!’s “Derp” is a bright, bold and beautiful work. With post-rock
leanings, it has a flexibility that feels reminiscent of Mogwai’s early
Alan Morse Davies
Life is full of reappearances and memories. Several months ago, I
disappeared from some of your social media radars. No worries, I wasn’t
ghosting you, b...
Pengertian dari Linux
Pengertian Linux - Software sistem operasi open source yang gratis untuk
disebarluaskan di bawah lisensi GNU. Linux merupakan turunan dari unix dan
dapat ...
GNs Compilation - The Art of Falling Raindrops
label - export label good netlabels
genre - abstract hip-hop, nujazz, downtempo
release date - 2014
As a child I believed two things. I believed that if I...
choplin – netlabels mix 140427 {netdj034}
Artist: choplinTitle: netlabels mix 140427Label: Oír Para CreerCatalog #:
netdj034Release Date: 2014/04/27 La anterior sesión Netdj es de junio del
año pas...
Fermeture de Netlabels Revue
Ceux qui suivent le blog l’auront sans doute remarqué, l’activité a été
plus que réduite pour 2011 sur Netlabels Revue. Pour diverses raisons, j’ai
donc dé...